This year, I had a great Christmas. I am so sad its over! I enjoyed spending time with my family, which is something I should do more often. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I got some great news over the holidays, I found out my cousin, Clay, & his wife, Jennifer are now expecting also. Its ironic because my cousin & I are only 19 days apart, so now our kids will grow up close to each other. I am so happy for them! I had Christmas Eve breakfast at my Grandmas house and ate Christmas dinner at my dads house the day after Christmas. Christmas Day we just enjoyed our time at home relaxing and watching movies. Christmas Vacation is my personal favorite. It will be the last quiet Christmas for awhile, I am sure. But I cant wait till Bryant is old enough to believe in Santa and we can stay up all night putting together toys & stuff. These are some of my Christmas Pictures.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
~ 22 Weeks Belly Pictures ~
Its official, I have now gained 11 lbs. I feel like its 111 lbs though. I am now exclusively wearing maternity jeans, and I must admit they are pretty comfy. I could get used to this. I ate all I wanted over the holidays and still could breathe in my new pants! It was amazing- I should have listened and got some maternity jeans a long time ago. Now that the holidays are over its time to really start preparing for baby Bryant. I have got to decide on a nursery scheme and get to shopping and cleaning out his room. I am ready and excited!
Friday, December 19, 2008
~ Maternity Jeans ~
Well, I am breaking down and buying some maternity clothes tonight. I am 21 weeks and I have gained 10 lbs already ! I have fought buying maternity clothes, but yesterday I ripped the crotch out of my scrub pants and this weekend I popped the button on my jeans. So my mother is taking me shopping tonight. I also had another embarrassing situation happen over the weekend. My jeans were so tight that when I sneezed this weekend, it pushed in on my stomach so much that I peed a little on myself and I had to go change clothes. Luckily I was at home when it happened. So that's when I decided that its time to throw in the towel. Oh well, at least they make some fairly cute maternity clothes now. I had to buy new bra & panties too. I guess everything expands when your pregnant. This little man has been craving ice cream alot lately ( hence the sudden weight gain). Cold Stone Creamery is the best. I made Joe go get me a pint of there cake batter ice cream over the weekend, & I ate it all. Its my new favorite! He is growing so big on ultrasound. He weighs 14 ounces right now, and has some huge hands & feet- he is going to have long legs too. I cant wait for the 4D. I have a few more months for that one though!
~ Our Christmas Tree ~

We went to Helena and got our Christmas Tree a couple of weeks ago, and I love it. We got a live tree and it smells so good. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love snuggling down in the living room with the Christmas lights on & watching christmas movies. I am trying to get some good relaxing time in now, because I know I will not have much time to watch tv after Bryant arrives. I am so nervous about how everything is going to change. I really enjoy my sleep right now and all the free time I have. I know soon all that will disappear. But, its a trade off for all the wonderful things that will come with having a baby :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
~ Names ~

As of you all probably know, we are big Alabama fans, especially Joe, and this year we have had some great Alabama football. So our little man is going to be named Bryant after Bear Bryant. We haven't decided on a middle name yet. Joe came up with it, and I love it. I saw the cutest Alabama stuff for little boys this weekend in Tuscaloosa. I just want to buy everything.
Roll Tide!!!!
Roll Tide!!!!
~Catch Up~
Time flies by, it seems like just a couple of weeks ago that i found out i was pregnant- Now I am already half way through! It has been awhile since I posted anything, so I guess for the next few days, I will be playing catch up. I am 18 1/2 weeks now. I have gained a total of 7 lbs. My jeans are getting snug, & I had a break down this weekend. I absolutely love being pregnant, and don't get me wrong I expected weight gain, but I tried on new clothes for the first time since I have been pregnant & I had a miniature panic attack. Jeans in the size I used to wear wouldn't fit my big toe. So to get jeans that fit I had to try on like 3 sizes bigger. Needless to say i left the mall without a jean purchase. I went for my real ultrasound & Dr. appointment on Monday. He is getting so big! Even though I peek all the time at work, it was still exciting. The Ultrasound tech gave me a 3-D picture too, which was kinda neat. I will post some new Ultrasound pics soon.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
~ It's A Boy!!!! ~
The anticipation is over- I am so excited- It is a boy!!! Keri made a video & took some pictures for me a couple of Fridays ago & I took it home for us to find out together!(Thanks Keri!) Now, we just have to decide on a name, for sure. We have thrown around a few, just havent decided on one yet. I cant wait to start buying stuff :)!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
~ The Excitement Is Killing Me~
I can not wait to find out the sex of this baby. I have finally hit the 12 week stage & I am super excited. I am so tempted to look at work, but I haven't yet because we want to find out together. I really just want a healthy baby, either way I will be happy. I have felt like it was going to be a boy since day one, but who knows. The heartbeat was 154 last week, so it could go either way- I'll post as soon as I know. Hopefully, by the beginning of next week, I'll know. I can't wait to go shopping :)!
~Brandi's Wedding~
We just went to the Orange Beach a couple of weekends ago for Brandi & Calem's wedding. The weather was beautiful. It was so nice to see the beach one last time this summer. Her wedding was so pretty. I love Beach Weddings. Everyone was barefooted & the bridemaids dresses were so pretty. They where pink strapless dresses from J-Crew. We wore flip-flops at the reception. I have got to update my pics on here. I will post some this week from the wedding.
~ 1st Visit With Dr. Hancock~
I started a new job recently at Shelby OB/GYN on my off days at Clanton. I really like the facility & all of the Dr.'s. I think I am going to make that my new OB. The staff & nurses are just so friendly & all of the equipment is up-to-date. Plus, Its close to home & I work there! I had a little scare last Monday night, I started having some bleeding. So I went in Tues morning to see Dr. Hancock. She was wonderful! She made me feel so much better, I was scared to death. I have a small bleed around my placenta, called a subchrionic bleed. For now, all of the bleeding has stopped, I just have to follow-up with her more often & avoid any strenuous activities. But, I think it is a common problem, & most pregnancies go on to have a normal healthy delivery. Say a little prayer for my peanut :) I will post some more Ultrasound Pics shortly.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
~ I Feel So Lucky ~
I feel so lucky. I have only been nauseated twice, & have never gotten sick. I dont even really feel pregnant yet. Although I have gained 2 lbs already, I think its all boobs at this point, which is really quite wonderful. The change in boob size was a nice bonus. The fatigue has gone away a little too- I actually feel great at this point. I am sure things will be different when I get further along. I can't hardly wait to find out the sex of my little peanut. Hopefully in another month I should be able to tell. I have been looking online at baby clothes & nurseries, It feels like a month will never get here. I am so excited about the next few months!
~Dr.'s Office Visit 9-24-08~
I met Dr. Mckenzie for the first time today. I wasn't extremely impressed if I am going to be honest. I waited 3 hrs for an Ultrasound & to be weighed. I could have done that myself at work! I did't even get bloodwork. He is a nice guy, but I just don't think he is right for me. I didn't think it would matter that much who I saw, but I just want to be completely comfortable because, I am a worrier already & just want everyhting to go smoothly. But the good news is he said everything was on track & looking good. So that gave me some peace for the time being, now I am just on the search for a new Doc.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My First Dr.'s Appointment :)
Well, my first appointment with Dr. Mckenzie was scheduled last monday the 14th. I was sooo excited to go. When we got there my doctor had scheduled me at the wrong place. I was suppose to be at the Brookwood Office & I was at the Alabaster office. So, Unfortunetly the appointment had to be rescheduled for next wednesday, the 24th. I can hardly wait. We have been doing Ultrasounds, of course, & everything is looking great. I am already on some prenatal vitamins & there is finally a little peanut in there & the heartbeat is 160 bpm! Which throws off my boy/girl theory. I have had all the old wives tale symptoms of a boy & up until recently the heartbeat was lower which indicated a boy but now who knows! I guess we will just have to wait a while longer to see!!! So far, i haven't had any crazy pregnancy symptoms going on. Just extremely tired, which anyone who knows me, knows thats not to unsual. I had a couple days of nausea. Not really in the morning, just basically all day. I have had a weird craving for jalepenos & hot sauce. Crazy, I know. Oh and my hair is growing at the speed of light, which is great! Anyways, I will post the new ultrasound pics soon.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
~Wow... A Sweet Surprise~

Our 1st Ultrasound Pics- Not even a little Peanut yet. Just a gestational sac, yolk sac, & most importantly a good little heartbeat! I am only five weeks! Whew, I have a long time to go. I have My first Doctors Appointment next Monday & I am Super Excited & Nervous. From the Ultrasound, It looks like a due date of May 3rd, 2009!
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