*You weigh almost 16 pounds
*You are in a size 3 diaper
*You wear 9-12 month clothing
*You are very tall and skinny
*You know how to wave Bye Bye
*You babble constantly, mostly dadda, but i have heard a momma
*You love looking at yourself in the mirror
*You HATE baby food
*You like to stay up late with mommy & daddy
*You are definitely crawling, getting into everything
*You pull yourself up on everything too, walking is not far away
*You have taken a few steps, but fall on your booty
*Mashed Potatoes are your favorite
*Mashed Potatoes are your favorite
*You refuse to drink out of a sippie cup, you drink from real cups
*You still don't take a paci
*You got your first tooth, one day before your birthday
*You sleep in your crib for the most part
*You love water and the tub!! Mommy's little swimmer!
*You love Lightening McQueen
*You love Music & Dancing (Especially MTV music videos)
*You need a haircut, but I just cant bring myself to get one
*You learned how to turn on Gran Gran's bath tub
*You are still in formula until you get a little bigger
*You are the Love of Mommies Life :)!!!!!