We took these pictures on a cell phone, so there not too clear. But this Bryant in his new Bumbo Chair- He is getting so big! He just sits there & laughs & smiles like a big boy. We took him to the doctor Monday for a check- up & he is 9lbs & 7 oz ! A big difference from 4 months ago when he was born. She said in 6 weeks he can start to eat baby food! I don't know if I am ready for him to grow up yet :)!

So little and cute!
Happy B'Day!!
I sure have missed seeing my lil man. Between the Job, Christian & the remodel, I don't have much time on my hands. The past two weekends, Christian has had a friend over when the baby was up. Hopefully, I'll get to see him soon!
I really just wanted to say Happy B'Day!!
I love you...
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